Friday, October 22, 2010

I want to know if it is too late to learn how to communicate?

I grew up in a house where things were not discussed. Mum would shut off and ignore me when things got hard. I was never encouraged to speak about how I felt or give my opinion. It's just something I was not brought up doing and it's frustrating me. When I get asked a question that I cannot answer I go blank and go silent not out of choice for the most do I learn different, is it to late?

When I met with my councillor and she asks if there is anything I want to talk about before we do other stuff I usually say no even though there do I stop saying I'm okay when I am not?

I really hate this side of me - it's so unhealthy!

1 comment:

  1. Hey there. I just came across your blog. I can totally relate. My family was always very private, we never discussed anything beneath the surface. Because of this, I never talked about my feelings to anyone for a long time. I've since been able to get comfortable enough with a therapist where I can talk about what's beneath .. but it's still really hard. Also, just last week I sent a letter to my parents detailing my frustrations in not being able to talk to them. I haven't heard anything back yet.
