Tuesday, August 31, 2010

An Introduction!


Although I used daisy's in my profile, my favourite flower is the Sunflower. The picture above is also my computer desktop picture. I see the sunflower as a positive thing, yellow being my favourite colour ever time I see it it reminds me to smile.

So I said in my profile I have social anxiety. What is this? Well all in all it is a fear of social situations and the extent of this fear differs from one person to the next. Being socially anxious is not just being overly shy as a lot of people with SA (as I will now call it) are not shy at all.

They way I like and usually have more success in learning new skills is to practice on my own in my own company. For example : In math if my tutor was to ask me if I understood how to do the problem I would usually say yes, even if I did not. This way I can go home and teach myself , this way I don't have to embarrass myself or feel like a time waster.

But being social is like learning to drive - you need some one else with you. Fine I can be a social butterfly in my head while on my own in my room, but put a real life breathing human person there and that butterfly has trailed back in time to there cocoon years. Being a social retard sucks.

Would you rather regret doing something or regret not doing it at all? 

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